Another Niagara Falls Fieldtrip!

Saturday, June 16, 2012, Niagara Falls, NY

Maid of the Mist ferryboat in front of the American FallsInterest in our Niagara Falls fieldtrip continues to grow! We have scheduled our next fieldtrip for Saturday, June 16 in 2012. Please set aside that date so you can join our group for a fun and fact-filled day with Niagara Falls expert Terry Kanouse and possibly a professional geologist who is a graduate of the Institute for Creation Research! This fieldtrip will be much more in-depth than our last fieldtrip. It will include strenuous hiking, fossil and rock identification and more!

Written by Josiah Detwiler

Spring Newsletter Released

Spring Events: Science Fair, Niagara Falls Trip, 3 New Exhibits, and More!

Spring NewsletterYou can read our newsletter here on our website as well as subscribe to recieve it by email or in a paper copy format for FREE! Your contributions to the Akron Fossils & Science Center make this free newsletter possible.

Click here to donate.

Niagara Falls Field Trip

Saturday, May 21st, 1-4 p.m., Niagara Falls, NY

Maid of the Mist ferryboat in front of the American FallsJoin our group for a fun and fact-filled afternoon with local Niagara Falls expert Terry Kanouse.

It was here at Niagara Falls that the famous geologist Charles Lyell charged that the Bible was in error because his estimated erosion rate told him that Niagara Falls would have taken 35,000 years to form! Learn the truth about how long it has taken Niagara Falls to erode through the Niagara Gorge. The facts you will learn on this trip will astound you!

Early Bird registration discount ends March 31st so hurry to reserve your ticket today.

Written by Josiah Detwiler